Experiencing an Approach to System Dynamics For Consultants (1 Day Workshop)
Join Sarah for a full day workshop where you will experience applications of System Dynamics enabling you to discover its potency.
System Dynamics is a practice that opens up unseen opportunities and enables clarity about moving forward on complex, ambiguous and resistant issues and situations.
Full Day Sydney Session
Arrive 8.45am for 9.00am start to 5.00pm
Friday 19 February 2016
at Saxons, Level 10, 10 Barrack Street, Sydney
Refreshments will be served throughout the day.
Sarah Cornally is keen to share the knowledge she has gained in studying and facilitating System Dynamics in Europe, Asia & Australia . This workshop is an opportunity to experience this work and its value. It will enable you to determine its relevance to your needs or issues for your organisation. An approach using System Dynamics is solution focussed. This gives participants a new perspective, it reveals things that were previously not fully understood or brings new dimensions to light. It provides a space to refect on what is critical and how to make decisions with conviction and a deep sense of knowing what needs to be done next.
Sarah will include foundational concepts and basic processes which will provide an introductory experienceas a pre-requisite to the full training program for 2016. She will include recent insights, new discoveries and observations regarding systemic constellations gained during her training internationally.
Book early to ensure your seat within the Group – places are limited.
The Workshop will be run at an introductory price of $385 (earlybird*) or $495 (inc gst).
You are welcome to bring your colleagues along for the workshop, please let them know.
If you are not available to attend the System Dynamics Workshop on this date please contact Leanne Imbro at ea@sarahcornally.com to register interest for the next Workshop dates.
To purchase your ticket please logon to https://consultantconstellation.eventbrite.com.au
Password: SC_Consultant
The link will take you through to an online event system. Payment can be made via Paypal (which accepts Amex, Visa and MasterCard) or direct with Visa or Mastercard. If you wish to pay by Diners, please contact Leanne at ea@sarahcornally.com.
* Conditions apply see Eventbrite for details of early bird payment.